Remove participants from a course in the LMS

This article is to serve as a walk-through on how to remove participants from a course in the LMS, should you decide he/she will not be participating in the corresponding course.

Users Tab

Firstly, you will need to go to the “Users” tab and locate the user in question. You can use any of the filters (Sort by role) as well as the search bar in order to find the correct user easier.
After locating the user that you want to remove from the course, there should be an empty box next to the user’s profile, which you need to tick, thus selecting the user.
Remove participants from a course in the LMS - Click on "Users" and then use the filters to find the specific user(s)
Remove participants from a course in the LMS – Click on “Users” and then use the filters to find the specific user(s)

Once you’ve ticked the box, the option of canceling the participant’s enrollment will become available.

Remove participants from a course in the LMS - The option to cancel enrollment will become available once you click on the box next to the participant's name
Remove participants from a course in the LMS – The option to cancel enrollment will become available once you click on the box next to the participant’s name

Please click on “Cancel Enrollment”. In the “Select a package” drop-down menu you will see a list of all the courses that the user is currently enrolled in. Pick the one you wish to remove them from.

Select a course/schedule to remove participant
Remove participants from a Course in the LMS – Select the course and schedule to cancel the enrollment of the participant

If the participant is enrolled in several schedules (in the same course), you will be able to see all of them in the “Choose a schedule for each course” dropdown section. Select the correct schedule in order to proceed.

After successfully removing the participant there will be displayed a success screen.

LMS Remove Participants from a Course: Success screen
LMS Remove Participants from a Course: Success screen

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