Finding students is often the most difficult for tutors. If you are an online one, it can be even harder. We offer you 7 marketing tricks to make selling your online tutoring course easy. Follow these steps and get the number of students you want in it.
But where do you start from? Just follow these steps:
- Create a relevant title
- Start using social media
- Create your own blog
- Optimize your blog
- Hold a free mini course
- Search for offline events
- Post student reviews
Create a relevant title
Your course title is like the outside of a box – if you do not like the way it looks, chances are you will not open it. You might find it hard to believe, but your title is the most important selling point for your course. If written properly, your title will create customer interest, as well as compel potential customers to click on your course. Course titles are also crucial for SEO purposes. Here are some tips to follow when creating your title:
- Find your keywords and be sure to use them – you can use the Google Keyword Planner to search for the most relevant keywords to use in your title.
- Keep it clear and concise: students should be able to easily remember it.
- Focus on key benefits: tell your students what they will gain from the course.
- Make promises: share how your course is going to improve your customers’ lives, professions, etc.

Start using social media
You are now teaching online, which is also the place to market and sell your online course. You can create a special Facebook page or link your current Facebook profile. In either case, you should start promoting your services through this channel. You can host a live webinar explaining what your course is about and point out its main benefits. Joining relevant Facebook groups is also a great idea since it gives you the chance to directly promote your course for free.
LinkedIn is the other relevant channel where you can advertise your course. You can create a separate company page or use your current profile to join relevant e-learning communities. Make sure to be consistent when updating your content, and keep your audience’s interest by informing them about what to expect in the future.
Later, you can even create your own LinkedIn Group to gather all your students in one place.
You might be wondering which channel is better to use. Well, there is no right or wrong answer. LinkedIn is a network for business and professional connections, while Facebook on the other hand, is used to network with your family and friends and is more socially oriented. Both platforms also have different ad formats that you can take advantage of. Facebook, for example, lets you live stream a short webinar, whereas on LinkedIn you can send a direct inmail message to your potential customers. Therefore, you might want to try using both of the social platforms, but remember that you should use different content and images appropriate for the users of each platform.
Create your own blog

If you want really successfully sell your online course, you will definitely need a website to post all of your content and future offers. However, starting a blog in the beginning is a also a very good idea. You can use it to describe your course content in written form or share relevant information about the course itself. For example, if you are holding a course on content writing, you might want to share with your future students why content writing is important and preview some of the techniques you are going to teach in the course. Here are some good blog platforms that you can start with for FREE:
Optimize your blog
Once you have your own blog, you will want people to find it when searching the internet. This is where SEO comes in. SEO or, Search Engine Optimization, is crucial to making your content show up in Google searches. While SEO is not easy, there are excellent materials available that explain the concept in a simple way. You can also search for free guides or courses on the internet. Here are some good ones to start with:
Hold a free mini course
If you are just starting out in online teaching, it is a good idea to hold a free mini course. Announce the course in your social media accounts and create a subscription page on your blog site. Each of the blog platforms listed above allows you to easily embed sign up forms and gather potential customers’ data. This is a risk-free strategy that you can use to research the target market for your course, as well as to gather some leads for future course announcements.
Search for offline events

Yes, you may be teaching online, but this does not exclude offline promotions. You can search out events and seminars relevant to your course topic. Participate in these events, as well, and present your online course to the audience. But be careful not to give away too much information as the idea is to stimulate their interest in your topic and get them to sign up for your course.
Post student reviews
Even if you haven’t taught online in the past, you have probably held traditional courses. Connect with your previous students and ask them for testimonials. Post the reviews on your social media channels and on your blog page. Testimonials are a great selling point that you can slowly integrate into your marketing campaign.
Positioning your course online is just the first step in marketing it. There is more to come on the topic of selling your online course on our blog. Stay tuned.